How does the Process Works?

This is the first step, one that gets the ball rolling. You can nominate your company yourself by filling out the nomination form. Alternatively, a third party or a business associate can nominate you should they deem it appropriate and if they think your business deserves more recognition than it is currently getting and has a good chance to win. (You can send email for nomination form).

After receiving your nomination, our research team, comprising of highly experienced and talented professionals, will do the initial screening. To be specific, they will check if all the necessary details listed in the form have been provided by the company. If everything is in order and all details have been provided, our team will allot your nomination a relevant category, according to your area of expertise, and will forward your application for further scrutiny.
After an application passes through the initial screening, it will be further evaluated by our talented research team. To be specific, in this stage all received applications will be evaluated on a number of parameters including, but not limited to, visionary business leadership, corporate culture, sustainable business practices, social responsibility, employee satisfaction and retention, innovation, financial stability, goodwill, customer satisfaction, products and services, and the quality of top management team.

On each of these parameters, the shortlisted companies will be ranked from 1-10 (with 10 being the best score). Along with the information provided in the form by the applicant, our team will rely on their research when evaluating companies on the parameters listed above. After ranking companies on the listed parameters individually, their average score will be calculated, which will be known as the Research Team Final Rating.
In this stage, the participants will be judged and duly rated by an esteemed panel of distinguished jury members from different industries. (Our jury members are individuals who have distinguished themselves in their fields, be it Business, Advertising and Media, Finance, etc. The jury team will also include an international expert advisor.) Our jury team will rate every participating company from 1-10, with 10 being the highest possible score.
The winners of the National Business Awards Leadership & Excellence will be finalized based on their cumulative score of our Jury and the market research team. (Note: The winner must have a cumulative score of 7.5 or above. The decision of the jury and the research team of VE BizTalk Media regarding the selection as well as disqualification of participants will be considered final.)


Every year we invite nominations from companies across India. In case you strongly believe your company is a fast-growing enterprise in its niche or a cut above the rest and deserves to be named one of the India Best Business Awards, we recommend you complete the nomination form listed on our official website.


Who All Can Nominate?

Any enterprise, big or small, public or private, is free to nominate themselves, regardless of their industry type or financial strength. We are committed to recognize the frontrunners in all kinds of niches, from startups to well-established companies in India. For this reason, we have created a number of different categories, making it possible to every deserving company to get the recognition due to them. II. We also support business-to-business (B2B) nominations. A client, supplier, or customer can nominate a company with whom they are associated. Likewise, some other business entity associated with you can also nominate you. All the same, we strongly advise that if you are nominating another business, do inform them. This will ensure that there's no confusion or conflict when we approach the nominated company.
"The main thing is that if you think a company has a lot of potential for growth or is already making a big difference or is likely to become a leader in its niche, you can nominate that company, bestowing on it a great opportunity to make a name for itself."
Every nominee needs to fill out the nomination form thoroughly, completely, and accurately. In addition to this, it is necessary that all supporting documents are duly attached. The filled details and attached supporting documents will allow our market research team to complete the initial screening quickly and thoroughly. Furthermore, the selected names will be thoroughly, comprehensively, and impartially rated and ranked by esteemed jury team to declare the winners.


You don't have to pay any nomination fee to nominate your company. In case your company gets selected for the National Business Awards for Leadership & Excellence, you will have to pay fee for registration and the usage of logo as fixed by the jury. The fee changes everytime for sponsors,supporters & nominators . All can use the logo for tenure of 1 year once associated with us.

Our team will duly notify the winners so that they can take care of all the registration formalities on time.


Registration Process?

In order to register and participate, all the winners must fill & submit the nomination form & make the payment of the registration fee through electronic bank transfer. The registration & the Logo usage rights fee for one year has been fixed by the jury for 26,000/- (Twenty Five Thousand + 18.00% GST).

Payment of registration fee is mandatory for all winners without exception. The fee charged includes the cost of the research & evaluation process conducted in order to select the companies and this contribution made by you empower us to carry on this process and give you the most ethical companies each year.

Please Note: The registration fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances

Carefully Read These Conditions Before Submitting Your Nomination:

We request you to provide only relevant details in your nomination form, so keep your answers to-the-point and concise. VI. We advise you against filling false or inaccurate information and providing untruthful answers. If any participant is found guilty of misrepresentation of facts or providing inaccurate information, their nomination will be disqualified, subject to the decision of our jury and management.


Invites nominations via promotions on social media platforms.

You must fill out the application form in English. (We humbly request you to proofread your application for grammatical and typing errors.)

To qualify for the jury-level assessment, it is necessary that companies meet the minimum criteria on all parameters on which they will be evaluated.

Far Needless to say, a better understanding of your company in turn will boost your chances to get picked as a winner.